Saturday, January 10, 2009

No Substance, Just Pondering

Today's post has no basis in any substance of learning, just my own worries.

As I sit here, toiling away on a research paper, I am hit repeatedly with the realization that I know little to nothing in the field of computers or technology. Sure, I know enough to make myself look smart if I'm talking to an average user. However, my research paper calls for details and explanations that I just cannot deliver.

Along with that, I cannot find a good place to START improving my knowledge. There are so many aspect to computing and hardware and software. There is no one starting point, really. At least, none that I have found yet. There is no "1+1=2" formula, no Kindergarten. Just a vast jungle of information of different species and forms that I get tangled in.

Granted, I am beginning to learn how to organize all this information. I am getting better at finding starting places. I am managing, and I continue to learn.

However, it is difficult to do find a good place to start out here in the wild.

I'm sure I will find a groove, and I have found a few small grooves already. Still, it worries me sometimes when I am face to face with things I do not know.

Though I suppose the recognition that I do not know everything is in fact, the best starting point of all.

1 comment:

  1. So I, a common and average user, am a dumbass?
    Given from this post, anyway.
    Thank you; thank you very much.
