Friday, January 16, 2009

The Left and the Right Connect

Greetings once more.
Alas, I lack substance. I should start doing real work.
(I believe I am going to go about and possibly work on some CSS or HTML code for my myspace page, and see how that goes. Just something simple. A nice background and some sweet text formatting, possibly. I will post source as soon as possible/available/tangible).

However, I am posting just to make a minor point.
After doing some thinking upon proper coding techniques, I began to ponder more about my creative endeavors.

I have often referred to myself as a poet. However, I really have just as little right to refer to myself as a poet as I do a coder. Sure I can write words and code. But can I do it right?

I can get results. But I haven't refined either art.

So I have pulled up a rather dusty copy of my least favorite bok: Writing Metrical Poetry, by William Baer. I rejected it after a while, a long time ago, saying that the greats didn't need this. Poetry came from the heart.
True, true. But it requires some sort of form and shape, and while freeverse is nice and easy, I cannot be happy until I have at least attempted to do it properly, similar to my strivings in coding.

I just thought it was noteworthy how similar skills can crossover both the logical and creative side of my brain.
(And I do realize the creative art of coding. Not that coding and poetry are so far apart. Still, they do come from different backgrounds and master categories. Remind me to write a post about the similarities between the two sometime. That may make for an intriguing entry).

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