Saturday, June 20, 2009

Opportunity Knocks

So this summer will be bringing a great deal of opportunity for me.
I say this as a sugar-coated way of saying I have no life or prospects for the future, and the only place to go is up.

Without a job or an occupation in any sense, I plan to spend my summer doing a great deal of independent projects. However, I do have two projects that are not purely self-serving.

I am still working on the Oxford Lions' Club web site, and that will be a major production for this summer. Hopefully it will be fully functional by the end of the summer. I have already completed the main page, calendar, and I am working on a tribute page to honor accomplishments done by members. Last step is to set up a page to allow for donations and online purchasing of raffle tickets.

Along with that, I will be doing a lot of work on my Applied Research class website, using the Moodle platform, which is a very nifty piece of software, and I highly recommend it. Here's the Home Page.

Of course there is some school work for Research and for AP classes, but that will be a cinch.

My own projects include setting up a home server, using Ubuntu Server 8.04 and a LAMP stack. Possibly working on some BASIC programming with my TI calculator. I was also considering some game design in either Java or porting some games to the TI calculator.

I will be picking up the bass guitar for this summer as well, to get some arts in there.

That is all for now. I will update with more substantial information later. (That seems like a common phrase in this blog).

Also, if you are interested, follow me on twitter!
Anti-Productivity in a Nifty Package!

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